Day 5
Taking a fork in the road
In the Git glossary, you’ll read this sentence: “In most cases, [main] contains the local development, though that is purely by convention and isn’t required.”
🔑 Branches isolate your development from the rest of your work and from the master branch. Anytime you think, “I wish I had a copy of my repository,” you should immediately think, “I’ll just make a new branch!”
Furthermore, branch names aren’t prescribed by git. You are free to elect whatever works for you branching needs e.g. “BUG101”; “super-new-idea”; “hippo\branch\bot”
Commands in Play
- git branch [-d] [branch-name]
- git branch [-v]
- git checkout [checkout-name]
- git checkout -b createbranch startingpoint -> Example: Using flags and options to create branch, starting from another branch, and switch to it in one step!
- ‼️ This is also the command to restore a deleted branch by substituting DEL_BRANCH_SHA1ID for ‘startingpoint’.
- git log –oneline
- git log –graph –decorate –pretty=oneline –all –abbrev-commit
- git config —global “log –graph –decorate –pretty=oneline –all –abbrev-commit” -> makes git lol alias to the long command!
- git branch [branch-name] [YOUR_SHA1ID] -> Example: Bugfix is 2 nodes behind master
- git check-ref-format
- git reflog -> Show all the times you changed branches
- git stash [list] [pop] -> Create a special commit for your WIP so that you may change branches with uncommitted changes
9.5.1 Using the GUI for branch work
Under macOS, use two fingers on the trackpad to access actions in GITK. Also, to get a better view of ‘math’ repo history, go to View on the GITK (Wish) app menu bar and click the ‘Show local directory’ radio button. Then hit ‘F5 (Refresh)’.
Q: Deletion of branches off the tag ‘four_files_galore’: is it easier in the gitk GUI?
A: GITK GUI requires the two finger click on the tag name to access the proper action. On the CLI, its branch -d my-unwanted-branch four_files_galore
9.5.2 Warm-up questions
If you create a branch in error, could you rename the branch instead of deleting it?
A: You may:git branch -m oops-branch rename-branch
In section 9.2.2, you had to search for the SHA1 ID of the commit containing the string ‘Renaming c and d’. How would you identify this SHA1 ID when using the command
git rev-parse
Git Command | Returns |
git rev-parse :/"Renaming" | 6d813cb9145532f122d876834eefaed9cea0315b |
git rev-parse :/"c and" | 6d813cb9145532f122d876834eefaed9cea0315b |
Section 9.2.1 introduced a lengthy git log command. Look up what all the switches do! (Try running the command and leaving some of the switches out.) A: This was
git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --all --abbrev-commit
that was aliased in git-config togit lol
.What happens to the commits of a branch if you delete that branch?
A: In Git, branches are just pointers (references) to commits in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of commits. This means that deleting a branch removes only references to commits, which might make some commits in the DAG unreachable, thus invisible. But all commits that were on a deleted branch would still be in the repository, at least until unreachable commits get pruned (e.g. using git-gc). version control - Does deleting a branch in git remove it from the history? - Stack Overflow